Days off and ripped jeans

A few days ago, I was out and about and had to go to the bank. I was in and out because it was closed from 12-2 for lunch (read:siesta).

As I launched myself into Mateo`s ginormous beast of a truck, my most comfortable, most favourite pair of jeans RIPPED — not just a wee rip, a hugeeeee rip directly below my butt. Luckily I was going straight home, but I was fuming mad as I think we will agree how hard it is to find a nice, flattering pair of jeans. This picture only shows the half of it……maybe I am eating too many fried plaintain pancakes?

 I had a day off yesterday so decided I would try and look for another nice, flattering pair of jeans. I really don`t like shopping – especially jeans and bikini shopping. I set out, trying to be as positive as I could…
I drove off in my little Mazda 2 to a strip of shops about 20 minutes away from the house – I had been in the past and had some luck. I wandered into the first shop I saw, picked up the first pair of jeans that caught my eye, tried them on and bingo – fit like a glove (in a good way!) Don`t you just LOVE when that happens?  I sure do.
As I was strutting my stuff, ha! back to my car I noticed this awesome looking bikini in a shop I had walked by a bunch of times before. I figured, hmmm why not – I was feeling lucky in my new pair of jeans.  The sales woman was lovely and I used my very best Spanish, telling her what I was looking for. She grabbed a few bikini`s off the rack and I was in the change room before I knew it. Now, ladies, we all know how awful it is trying these little devils on. Thanks to CrossFit, I feel more confident in my body and after it was all said and done, it wasn`t such an awful experience. I walked out with a colourful two piece. Done and done.
I did some errands on the way home thinking about how excited I was to start the third book in the “50 Shades of Grey“ trilogy when  I got home. If you have no idea what I am talking about, you are seriously missing out. Amazing, astounding, bewildering, breathtaking, extraordinary, impressive, marvelous, spectacular….you get my point! are all understatements to how awesome this book is. GO OUT AND BUY IT RIGHT NOW! Or download it. Whatever you have to do in order to make it happen.
I read for three one hour and headed over to CrossFit for the daily WOD. Yes, I was looking forward to the running, burpeeing, kipping – all of it. My time was 18:56. I was shooting for under 18 but was happy with my time.
After I came home, I ate, hung out with Mateo, and read…..until 1am. No biggie.
What is your favourite thing to do on your day off?

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